Standing Out: A Podcast About Sales, Marketing and Leadership

Charting the Voyage of Success: Logistics and Customer Relations

Trey Griggs Season 1 Episode 303

Next on the Standing Out Podcast: We dive into the topic of allowing agents the freedom to focus on what truly matters – fostering lasting customer connections and expanding their horizons. 

Discover the vital pulse powering logistics as we chat with Shivrani Narayanan, the client service maestro at SPI Logistics. From her ascent from a client care coordinator to her current role, Shiv personifies the spirit of dedication that keeps the wheels of commerce turning smoothly.  

A word about our sponsors: 
Sponsored by SPI Logistics. If you're looking for back-office support such as admin, finance, IT, and sales as a freight broker - reach out to SPI Logistics today! Learn more about becoming an agent here: 

Standing Out is a sales, marketing & leadership podcast powered by BETA Consulting Group, created to highlight best practices from industry leaders with incredible experience and insights! The goal is to entertain, educate & inspire individuals & companies to improve their sales, marketing & leadership development outcomes.

Speaker 1:

What's up everybody. Welcome back to another episode of Standing Out, a podcast about sales, marketing and leadership. I'm Trey Griggs, your host, happy to have you with us today. We've got a great show today. Can't wait to bring our guests in just a little bit. But before we do that, got to make a few announcements. First of all, if you're listening to us today on Reads Across America Radio, thank you so much for tuning in, so excited to be a syndicate on that program. You can catch us every Tuesday at 6 pm with an episode of Standing Out. And again, thank you for supporting Wreaths Across America and their mission to really train the next generation, to teach them about the sacrifice that our veterans have made for us. Also, we got Courtney George coming up real soon. She's going to be on the next episode, so tune in for that one next Tuesday night.

Speaker 1:

Courtney George, who works with Wreaths Cross America, talking about how she is getting ready for the next event coming up here in December. Also, it's not too late to sign up for the TMSA conference next week. Elevate is going to be in New Orleans June 9 through 11. Again, go to eventstmsatodayorg to register today. Again, eventstmsatodayorg, and we will see you down in New Orleans next week coming up real soon, so I can't wait to have that event going on. It's going to be a good time. Also, be sure to follow us on YouTube. Our YouTube channel is beta underscore podcast underscore network the beta podcast network. Make sure that you subscribe and click notifications so you never miss an episode of standing out or any of our other content that we have out there in the ether.

Speaker 1:

Out there Also want to give a huge shout out to our sponsor, spi Logistics. Listen, if you're a freight broker and you're just tired of managing the back office, of having an MC, and you just want to stay in your sweet spot, you just want to work with customers and move freight, maybe it's time to think about becoming an agent of SPI Logistics. They've got the back office, the support, the admin, the technology systems everything that you need to succeed. Check them out at successspi3plcom. That's successspi3plcom, and be sure to let them know. You heard about it right here on Standing Up Speaking of SPI Logistics. Today's guest is one of the all-stars, the rock stars at SPI Logistics. That makes the agent's life so much easier. So excited to have her on the show today. So please, welcome from SPI Logistics, shivrani Narayanan on the show today, so please welcome from SPI Logistics.

Speaker 2:

Shivrani Narayanan. What's up, Shiv? How are you?

Speaker 1:

Good. How are you? It's so good?

Speaker 2:

to see you. I haven't seen you in like 10 months. Last time I saw you was actually in Vancouver.

Speaker 1:

It was a while ago. It has been a little bit of time, but how's everything going? I know the weather is starting to get perfect in Vancouver.

Speaker 2:

It's so beautiful up there it is.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you know this or not. Fun fact my wife and I actually honeymooned to Vancouver back in the day.

Speaker 2:

Really, how long ago was that? 19 years in June Coming up, wow.

Speaker 1:

June 18th and so after that.

Speaker 2:

That was a good time to come. It was so beautiful, it was amazing. We got a. We got a private log cabin over on Vancouver Island, not too far away. Oh yeah, I haven't even done any of that, like I haven't gone into like a nice cabin, which I need to do because I've lived here for most of my life. Isn't that the case?

Speaker 1:

though I mean like where you live. You often don't explore it that much. It's like you have to go somewhere to become, you know, adventurous. It's like there's things I've never even done. They're like right here, you know so totally get that. Hey tell everybody a little about yourself and what you do over at SPI.

Speaker 2:

So I am our client service manager at SPI. I was a supervisor not too long ago and I started off as a client care coordinator and as a manager. Now I oversee our client care department, which I'm sure you've been told, but it's like you know. This is what we do every day is assist our agents and help our agents with you know their day-to-day business operations, carrier vetting. There's so much more to it which we'll get into, you know, more into afterwards, but that's pretty much what I do at SPI.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you and your team there. You're like the wind beneath their wings, Like you guys really hold them up. You like help them be successful.

Speaker 2:

No, you do.

Speaker 1:

Like that's the thing. When I was, when I was in Vancouver, I got a chance to talk to you and talk to some of those that are there. I could see the joy that you get out of helping agents succeed and, like you know, agents can be great at sales, they can be great at communication, but there's so many things that go on behind the scenes that they need help with to really shine, to really stand out with their customers, with their carriers, and you guys do a great job with that. What is it about this job that you just love it? I mean, when we spoke back in I guess it was July of last year when we spoke I could just see the joy that you have of really helping agents.

Speaker 2:

Tell me about that that you have really helping agents. Tell me about that. I think that's one of the biggest things and I feel like that's something I've always thought about as a as like for a job, or what I look for in a job, at least, because I started in um when I started like first started working. I worked in retail and you help customers in retail. But spi really showed me the difference between a client and a customer and then our, for us, clients are more than just that, it's not even just a client. You go like we have actual relationships with these clients. So SPR really showed me the difference.

Speaker 2:

And working in retail I was doing a part-time job I you know I was trying to do. I was thinking about doing like medical or something going to school for that. But I always knew I didn't want to just do like, like just the quick transactions for me personally. I wanted to do like a nice long term client relationship, client care type of thing, which is what SPI one taught me to. I have the opportunity to now actually do and so that's huge for me and I think that's what I appreciate is being able to actually build that relationship with our agents and have not just again a business relationship, but a personal relationship with them and be able to be there for them, for us, to reach out to and help them with their business operations.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, retail can teach you quite a few things. I did retail myself. I have to ask what did you do in retail? Was it anything good In?

Speaker 2:

retail. I worked at Foot Locker for about nine years.

Speaker 2:

It was just a simple yeah, it was fun I mean, don't get me wrong Like that was. You know I was a lot younger and it was a lot of fun. But it was just a sales associate and you know you're just being like in retail in general. You're always being pushed to just do the quick transactions. Let's go like, you know, sell this, sell that. But I always enjoyed having the conversations with the customers and getting to know what they really need out of it and whatnot. So that's the kind of thing I personally enjoy and I can see that within our team as well, and even our leadership team and Joe and you know what I mean. That's what they like. I said that's what they've taught me and I didn't even fully know that that's what I wanted. But this is where we are now.

Speaker 1:

So do you like sneakers? Do you have a strong shoe game?

Speaker 2:

yeah, you got some Jordans in the closet no, I do have Jordans in the closet, yeah but, I, yeah, I mean not anymore as much, of course, but it's pretty cool it's.

Speaker 2:

It's a lot of fun. Um, like, it was a lot of fun back then, so I would obviously buy a lot of Jordans. They have really good perks and everything. But yeah, I wasn't a huge sneaker head. I just got into it and, being there, you're gonna become a sneaker head, or at least you know you're being influenced by everything. You're like oh yeah, those do look cool, let me buy that. So I kind of yeah.

Speaker 2:

I didn't do it for a little bit, but I can't really say I was a full sneaker well, you know what the trend is right now, with women in transportation at event a lot of people, including like Carrie Jablonski of trucker tools, has really started this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she wears Jordans at every event, like her shoe game is strong and a lot of women are realizing. You know what the guys are wearing sneakers. We're gonna wear sneakers too, and so, yeah, it's become a thing now, and some of the ladies out there have some really amazing shoes at some of these events, so it's been really fun yeah, that's pretty fun.

Speaker 2:

I do miss that for sure.

Speaker 1:

That's one part of like the whole full locker thing that I do miss way more comfortable too, and just more stylish, which it's crazy that we're wearing basketball shoes to conference now and that's like the thing to do, but you know, yeah, it says a lot about jordan.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's pretty amazing, all right.

Speaker 1:

So before we get into spi, a little bit more fun fact you're born in fiji. I didn't know that. Yeah, yeah, that's cool. I didn't know where the fiji islands were. I looked them up there's like 50 islands really a lot of islands right.

Speaker 2:

There's 300 islands, but they're not all like. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure I should know that, right yeah.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, there's like 300 islands, but not every island is you know.

Speaker 1:

Like inhabitable.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly so but yeah, it's called Fiji Islands, but yeah, I was born there when I moved to Canada, when I was seven years old, so, and I used to go back all the time, and I'm actually going back in July after 12 years, so I went there. Last time I went there was in 2012. So I'm pretty excited about that and to see how it goes.

Speaker 1:

I've heard it's a phenomenal place to visit. I've never been there, but I hear it's just incredible. Is the climate just very tropical? Is it nice all the time, like Hawaii?

Speaker 2:

What? Just very tropical. Is it nice all the time, like hawaii? What's it like it's? I mean, from what I remember, it is definitely very nice all the time, and again when it's raining, which I love, it's warm. So I remember just like sitting outside on the porch and watching it rain and I actually sat outside during like a cyclone slash hurricane that they had and I saw like coconut trees break in half and apparently houses flew away, like nearby. So it was a pretty bad cyclone, but it's like all it was was just like wind and rain and it was pretty intense and but it was just so warm so it was so tropical, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

And then it's so beautiful. But man, that's kind of scary too. If something happens, you're on an island by yourself.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of I know I was a little scared. From what I recall, it was like, said it was a long time ago. I went back so many times and experienced so many different things, like every single time I was there I think it was there was a tsunami warning and I was like, oh, oh my goodness.

Speaker 1:

Well, I hope this trip is phenomenal. You'll have to send some pictures, because I just haven't.

Speaker 2:

I will, for sure It'll be a fun trip.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's talk about SPI and what you guys do. I mean, you guys are focused on agents making sure that they're successful. You're focused on the customer experience side of it for them, like supporting them, helping them out, and that type of thing Talk about. I want to jump into leadership because you mentioned Joe Chandler.

Speaker 2:

He's phenomenal.

Speaker 1:

I love Joe, such a good guy, the entire leadership team, I mean. You guys have some incredible people who are leading SPI and helping agents. Talk about the impact of their leadership on you, on the agents, on the company as a whole, the culture like that. To me, that's one of the most important things that any company can focus on is having great leaders and, man, you've got some phenomenal ones yourself included. Talk about that.

Speaker 2:

I agree. I think that is one of the biggest reasons I love SPI and I think that might also be one of the biggest reasons, like, our agents, love SPI. I know client care is amazing, our APR, all departments are super amazing, but our leadership, like leadership team, is so hands on and they're so hands on with not just their you know what I mean, like their staff but also our agents. They're not oh, you can't reach them. He's the VP or he's the president of the company.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely not Like our agents have Joe on seat.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. That's not and that's not very common from my understanding. That's not something that's common. You can't just call up the president of the company, the VP of the companies. That's not what we. They're really there to lead. They're really there to mentor you and us. And that's what I've gotten from my whole almost four years at SPI and again, like I said, that's what I've learned is client experience and client care through our leadership team, which is huge. So it means a lot to me because I've never felt like I can't go to the VP of finance, the VP of sales, our president of the company, my own VP of people in operations. It doesn't matter who is what in the company. You can always reach out to them, and that is the same thing with our agents and that's the same thing with anybody else in our company.

Speaker 2:

So that is my favorite thing.

Speaker 1:

I know that Mike is traveling a lot to spend time with agents. Joe does that as well, and there's really two approaches to leadership that I've seen over the years, and that is leaders who think that you're here to serve me and leaders who think I'm here to serve you, and certainly the team at SPI takes the latter of those two approaches. I've seen that. Like it's just incredible, like I know that mike goes and spends time with agents, takes them to events, has fun with them, talks about their family, uh, joe's. The same way, you guys have your agents. I think you recently just had your uh, your annual agent conference, which I know is also a great event as well. Talk about that. Like, what was that like?

Speaker 2:

that was a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun. It was very busy. It gets really really. There's so many people and then for us it's mostly, you know, we're obviously there to assist. At the end of the day, as fun as it is, our main focus is to make it fun for our agents. So it's it's just really incredible seeing everybody connect and it's it's so fun to see them connect afterwards, um and like utilize an app that we use to, you know, to get all of our agents connected. It's really, really fun to see just everybody networking, I guess, and also mingling, getting to know each other.

Speaker 2:

It's a lot of fun to actually meet the agents that you haven't met in real life as well, that we just onboarded or something like that, and you know, or it's been like a year that they've come with the company but they haven't been able to attend any of our, our events and whatnot. So that is, I think one of my favorite things is actually meeting, like putting a face to a name, or the voice at least, because you're like constantly talking to these people and it's like, oh, it's finally nice to meet you and then you can talk about more than just work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's, there's no replacing that in-person experience. You know shaking hands, giving a hug, having a meal, sharing an experience, all those things are phenomenal. You guys were in nashville this year in nashville. Did you guys announce next year's?

Speaker 2:

you guys have that well, next year is so. Every other year it's in vancouver, so next year is already a given. We don't know 2026 yet, um, so that's going to be announced. I like, again, I've only been with the company for four years, so last year we announced it in vancouver that we're going to nashville or not. Last, yeah, last year, yeah, um, so that's probably what we're going to do is announce it next year in vancouver.

Speaker 1:

Where we're going to do is announce it next year in Vancouver, where we're going to Vancouver in May June is such a beautiful spot. It's going to be awesome, so that's a good event crossing my fingers. I'm hoping to make it up there. It'd be great, to great, to get to mingle with you guys. I've met several of your agents, drew and some of the others. That just just good people and such good people. There a lot of good things going on, which, uh, which is really incredible. So that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Was there anything? What was the uh? Was there anything fun or standoutish in nashville that you guys did?

Speaker 2:

you uh anything, anything wild, anything crazy was a lot of you know business uh networking no, I think we did a lot of a lot of fun events as well, but one of my favorites was, like our welcome reception, which we have at every event, and it was just the beautiful location that we had it in, which was a water's edge in the resort that we were at, and it was just so. It was just so beautiful and it was. I think that's one of my favorites, because you're standing up, you're able to talk to anybody and everybody and it's not like a seated down. You know what I mean. So it's something that you're just introducing everybody to people and you're getting to know everybody mean. So it's something that you're just introducing everybody to people and you're getting to know everybody. So I think that's one of my favorite ones. I don't know about anything crazy.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure you guys had a good time. We don't have to mention everything, but I'm sure it was a lot of fun. That's awesome. So, shiv, you're incredibly talented. You're an incredibly smart person. What is it about transportation, about this industry, or just about SPI that keeps you, keeps you here? You know, like you could do anything, but man, you, you love being here. What? What is it about the industry and about the company that you?

Speaker 2:

know every day is different. There's never a day that I can just be like, oh my goodness, I gotta do the same thing again and again, or I have this to do, like it's just there's no telling what my day is gonna break. And it's funny because I can have my calendar organized, my calendar organized and I can be like, hey, I have this meeting, this meeting I have to do. I'll like put on my calendar to do these tasks. That's probably not going to happen. I have to move it up or move it like backwards or something, because something else happens. And it's always such a good learning opportunity, which is so fun.

Speaker 2:

I think that's one of my favorite things as well, because I do handle a lot of claims, or I handle now I'm actually transitioning to handle double brokering as well, so I'm going to be learning about that, which obviously isn't too different from claims, but in a sense it is as well, because the carrier still has your load. So I think that's my favorite part is learning so much about the industry and just how like. It's funny because not everybody knows what goes on in logistics, and I think I was talking to my massage therapist about this like two days ago and I was like, yeah, you know there's a lot of like theft going on with like cargo and logistics and trucking industry. And he's like, oh really, people just steal trucks. I'm like, yeah, it's pretty interesting. So I don't know. Know, I think that's just a part that fascinates me and I really really do enjoy talking about it, and I know my friends are like, wow, you really like this stuff.

Speaker 1:

It is pretty wild that you know in an industry where you're just moving freight all day that every day is different. I hear that from so many people about. Something I like about our industry is how different it is and when. When you tell somebody about stealing trucks, I wonder if they think about Fast and Furious like that kind of stealing trucks. They probably don't understand exactly how it works?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they probably don't.

Speaker 1:

It is a major issue right now and I know that you guys had a panel on that at the agent event to talk about that. I know it's a big issue right now. I mean, it's all hands on deck trying to figure this thing out. So you're going to be focusing specifically on helping agents with that, with implementing technology, with becoming educated. What does that transition look like for you? I know it's probably sounds like it's new, like you haven't quite done it yet, but you're moving into it. What's that going to look like?

Speaker 2:

I've definitely seen everybody do it, but it's not going to be too crazy, it's just, it's very similar to claims. It's just more so the fact that the carrier it's just, it's really similar to claims, like it's just a lot of facilitating back and forth, kind of like what to do, getting some proof. So it's not going to be too too crazy. I think it's just a little bit exciting because I, because you'll just, I'll just learn a lot more and see different scenarios compared to what I've seen with claims, which, again, is still also a never-ending thing and always new. So every claim is probably pretty unique.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's very unique and I always, whenever I try to train, like our staff on it, I'm like, yeah, there's no actual like standard procedure because it's so complicated. All I can show you is how to open a claim and how to close a claim, but in between it's so complicated. All I can show you is how to open a claim and how to close a claim, but in between it's so jumbled. Sometimes, depending if it goes smoothly, we're good, but many times you're always hitting these roadblocks and it's just it's.

Speaker 1:

It's pretty fascinating, but yeah what's nice, that the agents have somebody who is on top of all, that they don't have to worry about that, they know that you're handling it and they can focus on on their business, which is really, really helpful. Can you think of a time where you helped an agent, maybe just something kind of unique, and, uh, just gave you one of the like, the greatest feelings of like, fulfillment and just joy, and they were thankful, like. Can you think of a time where something, something occurred that really stood out, that was different than what you do on a day-to-day basis?

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess different from a day-to-day would be just our, or even like us having our agent conference. Recently I got a call from one of our agents and they had like an issue with the hotel room. So it's completely different from like literally our day-to-day operations and I'm so glad I was literally on the plane. We're about to take off, like very like we're still in the tarmac, but we're about to take off, and he called me and he's like Shiv, like they're saying there's a problem with the room, and I'm like Anita, there's a problem with the room and we're just like freaking out, but we're texting the hotel as quick as possible and we were able to get it sorted and I think that's one of the things that makes me so happy and you know, getting some feedback from that as well was really good, like, but I think that's just very different. And, again, also something that he was like very thankful for and I'm glad we were able to do that for him have that wasn't even in your wheelhouse of like.

Speaker 1:

You know responsibilities or things you do on a day-to-day, on a regular, daily basis, and yet you know handling that. For me, I mean, that's a big deal when you check in a hotel and it's not good. It's such a depressing thing. Yeah, exactly, it's like they don't.

Speaker 2:

They're saying this is blah blah. And I'm like looking at my emails, I'm like no, this is what it's supposed to be and whatnot. And yeah, we quickly got that handled again, like as I was sitting on a plane, literally let's take off. I'm like thank god he called, like now it was you know, had our number on hand to be able to call us, was having to go through like our phone lines and whatnot.

Speaker 1:

So that part I think for me was really fulfilling yeah, again, I think it speaks volumes to the uh, the, the, the attitude and the approach that you guys have towards your agents. Do whatever it takes, do whatever. Do whatever it takes to make them happy and move in that direction, which is really good. So let's pause for a second. We always like to have a little fun on the show. Today we have a random question of the day Now. Listen, shiv, sometimes these are really good questions. Sometimes they're kind of duds, I don't know. Sometimes they're funny, sometimes they're really serious. We got, I haven't seen it yet, so let's go and check this out. Today's random question of the day for you is what animal is the biggest party animal? That's a weird question.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it would be a raccoon A raccoon.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, tell me why I want to hear this.

Speaker 2:

I thought of like I just can picture a cartoon raccoon, Can't you?

Speaker 1:

Maybe Cause you know raccoons get into trash and they like yeah, you know, and then you can see their little paws.

Speaker 2:

I was like yeah, yeah, they're just a party animal.

Speaker 1:

You always have a black eye. There's something that went on, something, something happened something yeah, they're partying. Yeah, it's a raccoon I think I'm gonna have to go with you on that. I think raccoon is definitely the right answer on that.

Speaker 2:

I said that came right into my head. I'm like it's a raccoon.

Speaker 1:

I can't really think of anything else too much besides that. I think that's actually quite clever. So they're the ones that get in all the trouble and have a good time. If there was ever an animal that you thought maybe had too much to drink, it's a raccoon. That's. We're going to go with that. That's a decent question. That's not bad. That's a good question. I like that one. That's good, all right. So let's talk a little bit about you know how how do like. What's the process for somebody who's interested in becoming an agent or maybe a freight brokerage, that just kind of tired of dealing with all the you know the headaches of owning mc and all that kind of stuff? What's the process for them to learn more about, uh, you know, becoming a part of spi?

Speaker 2:

I think well, they would need to go through. Well, coming on to spi is, I hope I and I know that we make it very smooth, it's not, it's not difficult. Again, we, we train. If they do already have their staff, we train them and then, if not, then we also train themselves like the agent themselves. But we do actually have this new platform, spi Academy, which we are utilizing so that we have, like, all these videos. It's a whole learning path and they just need to go on that and everything is there and we're there to assist them If they have any questions.

Speaker 2:

For what is needed afterwards, we always set up like a follow-up appointment or follow-up meeting, but the the process itself is not difficult. I would say, if they're wanting to come on with spi, it would, just it's. It's depending on what their goals are and just depending on what they're looking for. And I think a lot of people would want to get rid of the admin side of things and just focus on their customers and their business, and that is one of the biggest things that we are here to offer. And again, they don't want to deal with claims. Do they really want to deal with all of that If the load is double brokered. Not even just that, even if they're like unsure as to like, hey, what do I say to my customer about this? Or my customer has this question. We help with so many of those little questions every day and I'm just like, wow, you know, we're able to really assist with those kinds of things and it really makes me happy.

Speaker 2:

I think because there's so many different agents and they don't know these things and they don't always hit those roadblocks or they don't always get those questions. But then sometimes a customer will be like, hey, how do I do this? Or do you guys offer this? And then they'll come to us and we're like, yeah, let's take a look at this, for even if we don't know it, you know, we go research, we deep dive and see if it's something that we're able to make possible. But I think that's yeah.

Speaker 1:

That really resonates with me, because if I were a freight broker and I'm not, but if I were because there's so many admin things that I have zero desire to do I know that most freight brokerages, especially the small ones, they start by people who are working with customers or booking loads and they think I can do this better, but they don't realize all the admin that goes into it, all the things that have to be there.

Speaker 1:

All the technology that you have to buy and implement and dealing with claims, dealing with carrier payments, Finance is a big deal. I mean just collecting payment and paying trucks. That's a lot of work and so I definitely resonate with that. And I love the academy that you guys have created, because we talked about this a little bit at I think it was at TIA, the last summit I saw James and Anita. We talked about this briefly Like I love the fact that you're putting these tools in place to make it really easy for somebody to get up and running as an agent, Because you know that can be a real hassle, the transition can be, can be challenging, and you guys make it really easy to do that. It doesn't take very long for them to get up and running and work in the system and, and you know, making sure all their customers transition over, you know, without losing any. I think that's really really important, so I love the fact that you guys have created that and I'm not surprised.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't surprised when I heard that um I love the fact that you guys have done that, which is awesome. It's definitely something exciting. It's never something like, oh yeah, you can. You know, here you go, this is what you can look at. It's like no, here you go. We also give a little template write down your questions, like know with like little, every, every little topic that we have, write down questions that you may have, and then we already book like a second appointment with them just to see like what, what can we go over with you and what do you need help with afterwards. So a lot of that I think is very important and again, it's never going to be like you're off on your own kind a thing, like yeah, we have this now, so you're good, just go take a look at it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it's wonderful, and I was playing golf with a couple of agents and one of their favorite things they said was how accessible it is to call you, call your team, and to get help right away, and that's huge. So again, I love what you guys are doing. I love, love what you guys are doing, love the fact that you're there for your ages, and we're appreciative that you guys partner with us. So thank you so much for sponsoring and supporting us. It's a huge blessing for us as well. It is great having you on the show, shiv. Thank you for coming by and sharing your experience about that. I hope you have a great time in Fiji this summer. I'm so jealous.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, it's going to be awesome. And be able to soon, or maybe next time we'll do this in vancouver.

Speaker 1:

Yes, can't wait to see you exactly. That'll be awesome. All right, we'll talk to you real soon. We're gonna let you out to a little more. Katie perry roars perfect thank you and again, thanks for being on the show, appreciate it thank you for having me all right, everybody. Make sure you come back every Every.

Speaker 1:

Tuesday we're here, be sure to check out SPI at success, spi3pl, if you are interested in becoming an agent and getting rid of all that back office admin. And again, don't forget to sign up for the Elevate Conference. It's coming up, it's this week. It's going to be a great event down in New Orleans. Go to eventstmsatodayorg to sign up for that. Until next time, don't forget, stop standing still. Start standing out.

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