Standing Out: A Podcast About Sales, Marketing and Leadership
Standing Out is a show created to help individuals and companies improve their sales & marketing outcomes, as well as their leadership development. Each episode we have an expert who has a unique perspective on sales, marketing and/or leadership providing insights from his or her experiences. And we throw in a few laughs from time to time. Be sure to hit Subscribe wherever you listen to our podcasts.
Standing Out: A Podcast About Sales, Marketing and Leadership
Life Lesson in the World of Freight with Timothy Dooner
Join us for Standing Out with Timothy Dooner! Trey Griggs and Timothy Dooner discuss and explore the intersections of creativity, mental health, and the transformative power of play. Dooner discusses his journey as a podcaster, shares candid reflections on his struggles with social anxiety and mental health, and highlights the importance of maintaining joy during life’s challenges.
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Standing Out is a sales, marketing & leadership podcast powered by BETA Consulting Group, created to highlight best practices from industry leaders with incredible experience and insights! The goal is to entertain, educate & inspire individuals & companies to improve their sales, marketing & leadership development outcomes.
Hey everybody, what's going on? Good to have you with us today for another episode of Standing Out. I got to tell you I'm actually kind of nervous today and I don't get nervous very often. Okay, I get to speak all over the place, I'm up on stages, I do a lot of podcasts, but I got to tell you, folks, I'm a little nervous today. I'll tell you why here in just a minute. Before that, though, after the show today, make sure you visit us at betaconsultinggroupcom. See how we're helping companies in freight in transportation really build their brand, turn customers into fans, talk about the trade show strategy and all types of great stuff Customer advocacy right there at betaconsultinggroupcom. We'd love to talk to you soon. Fill out the form. We'll schedule time to chat. It's going to be wonderful. Also want to say thank there. With our episodes, our shows syndicated on that radio station.
Speaker 1:We love Wreaths Across America and if you are not involved with them yet, I need you to change the way you're showing up in life. Go to wreathsacrossamericaorg to learn more about how they are remembering the past, honoring the veterans and really teaching the next generations about the sacrifices that are required for freedom. They also have their annual event in December, mid-december here in 2025. So it's a long ways off, but it's not too early to get started sponsoring wreaths and getting involved, signing up to be a part of it. You go to wreathsacrossamericaorg. Forward slash standing out and you can sponsor a wreath with us. These are placed on the tombstones of veterans all across the country in December. If you're a truck driver man, you got to be a part of this. Their driver experience up in Maine is tremendous. So again, thank you to our friends over at Reads Across America for a chance to be a part of what they are doing.
Speaker 1:And finally, thank you to our friend, josh Lyles over at Sales-CRM for creating a wonderful product for freight brokers. Sales-crm is not like other CRMs. They're not all created equal, folks, especially when they are not designed for your business. If you're a freight broker, this is built exclusively by freight brokers for freight brokers, so make sure you check it out at sales-crmcom, or you can learn more about that by going to our website, betaconsultinggroupcom.
Speaker 1:Forward slash standing dash out, learn more about it, you can request a demo and you can get to know a really cool dude. Josh Lyle is amazing, amazing advocate in our industry doing some really great work. All right Now. Listen, I told you guys I was a little nervous and that's because not often do I get to turn the tables on the person who's really the standard when it comes to podcasting and television in the industry. He's been doing it for a long time and I'm so excited to have him on the show today. The host of what the truck and my good friend from freight waves give it up for the one and only timothy dooner in the house.
Speaker 1:Yeah, hey trey, hey, there we go I it's like I'm on the bow with kate right now. We really should be in person if we're going to use this song, because then we could reenact it. Now it's just virtual, it's just a dream, it's not real, but I'm so glad you're here, my friend, we could stand on the bow of my lego titanic and embrace you know you do have that.
Speaker 1:I gotta say I'm jealous. My kids are starting to get into legos, but we are not even close, not even remotely close to the level that your family is when it comes to legos, and that's a that's a killer set. I did have a friend who was putting it together, though, and he shared a picture of it, and it had the front end and the back end separate, and I commented. I said I think you're done, I think it's actually done right now. That's the final one, you know, versus what's up, my friend, how you doing. Let me warn you, though, it's a very like expensive and progressive addiction.
Speaker 2:Like we started with the kids during the pandemic and and I remember we got the Death Star because we couldn't go to Disney and Death Star seemed expensive. It was like $450. But it was like but we can't go to Disney. You know, that's only a fraction of it. We're stuck in the house. We assumed it would take forever to build and ever since we've gotten nuts. So just be careful. Or like start investing in Bitcoin now so you have the funds to pay for these Legos as the habit gets worse. Lego habit gets worse.
Speaker 1:Lego collections are getting quite expensive, that's for sure. We're more on the harry potter side of things. We have a lot of harry potter and we just got a wicked one, so my girls are more into that. We're not into the death star and some of those, but those are really cool, man, I love those.
Speaker 2:So you know what happened is lego realized that they were, they're, they're number one buyers because a they're so expensive, but like b is adults. So they realized that like our generation who's having kids now, they actually have to sell to us, to buy like an $800 millennium Falcon Now like if you're a 10 year old says that you'll never get it for him, or your eight year old. But one of the reasons is like his birth rates are like birth rates are. I know a guy in the toy space. He makes a toy called brain flakes and he's always complaining about this. He's always showing the stats. This guy, molson Hart and the charts yeah yeah, it's real man.
Speaker 2:That birth rate decline is serious business.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's really wild and it's true. You got to know who your target audience is. So, even though Legos are kind of known as a kid's toy, you are 100% correct. Kids that were growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, that's their market. And, man, I get excited about Legos sometimes more than my kids do in terms of putting together what's the, what's the biggest one, in terms of, like, the time it took you to complete a lego set, like really getting after working, after like hours or days, what's been the longest so far.
Speaker 2:I okay, I don't recommend this one. It's the lego world map. Okay, it's there, it has the most pieces and we someone gave it to us as a gift. They heard I built the titanic and they're like well, have you built this one? It's like over 10 000 pieces, but my god, it's so boring because they're dots and like it was a great gift and thank you, but like it was because, what's stimulating about legos and if you have like adhd, what keeps you sort of locked in is you're constantly doing different stuff.
Speaker 2:It's impossible to do the other version where you're just putting dots. I couldn't finish it. My wife was the one who actually finished that set. She's the only set she's done that we've ever brought in here that she took like charge and did most of it. I just I couldn't focus on it at all.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know that I would like doing puzzles Like we enjoy that kind of stuff. It sounds like more of a puzzle type of a thing. But yeah, I don't. I would love to submit like 10 pictures of my home, two legos, and then they build a lego set of my home and then they just send it to me. That would be.
Speaker 2:They do have like the fan built collections, though, so you can like submit your own ideas and everything, but it has to be something that's viable, like trey's house, I don't know. It might sell like 10 units where they want something like I, I don't know Java's throne room or something, or like the emperor's throne.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, I think, like homes are, homes are pretty safe structures. They just have a couple of angled roofs and they're mainly square rectangle and, for the most part, most homes are.
Speaker 2:I was thinking that would be yeah, that would be reasonable Legos that They'll do it for, like your trailers and stuff. But I've built some. Thank you guys for sending them to me, but they're not Lego Like. There's a big difference in the bricks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I just think that would be fun because, you know, some people put pictures of all the homes they've lived in maybe on their wall. I think it'd be cool to have like a Lego set of the homes that I've lived in. We've, unfortunately, have lived in like 10 homes and we moved a some apartment complexes in there. We won't do those but a lot of those it'd be kind of fun to have those displayed. I kind of like that. What's something that you wish lego would make, that they currently don't make?
Speaker 2:what the truck set would be pretty dope, you know. Um, they just made a port. That was one of my requests. Was they made up? They make a port and uh, the port, it's like it's 110 set.
Speaker 2:So the way you price legos is about 10 cents a brick. That's a good deal. If you pay more than 10 cents a brick it's an overpriced set. If it's under and then if it's like star wars licensed, you can maybe add 35 to 50 for license. Sometimes that will cut into it depending on um the set. But I really want them to make a port and it's like a thousand pieces but it's not enough like I want it. So it could like service this triple e. And when I had carl bensalon, former fmc commissioner up until last year, I showed him that same set and he agreed he's like we need like the 800 or the 600 set, that's 6 000 to 10 000 pieces that can really show off a portrait yeah, are there going to be some lego sets, a part of the new transportation museum coming to chattanooga?
Speaker 2:so we sell like literally at a freight freight waves headquarters. We're selling legos. Right now we get space legos in our space store, the museum, super excited about that. Uh, you guys don't know, craig fuller firecrown. Uh, craig bought freight waves so freight waves split up about a year ago and then ever since then we've been building up our other media brands and stuff. Um, he owns 54 different magazines now yeah, it's wild two or two ago.
Speaker 2:He was like I, he, he kind of manifested this, this museum. He was like I want to start a transportation museum. So you know, when you say that he's like, that means I'm going to start looking at locations and stuff. But because social media is is great and it's a great conduit for manifesting someone's like hey, did you know that in Cincinnati, enter Trainment Junction is shutting down? They have the world's largest train set and Craig is like boom centerpiece for the motion museum in Chattanooga. So like right out the gate. This year, like all during Christmas, I'm seeing all this. I'm hearing from Craig, we're coming up with plans and strategy.
Speaker 1:I tried to get out there twice.
Speaker 2:Kentucky Blizzard stopped me the first time I saw that, yeah, no storm Stopped me the next time, and then this week the south was frozen. But this weekend, supposedly, if all goes well, I'm going to go on Craig's jet, not have to rely on Delta, and I'm going to fly with him to Amherst, massachusetts. I think it's the biggest miniature train festival going on there. So when we're there we're going to try and fill in some of the gaps for the museum. See, some of the players are and, um, the way I approach this stuff is sort of like freight. I want to know who all the players or participants are, what are interesting. So I'm very happy to start making once we have some more of this in. I'm already going to start production on some uh, a show based around these miniatures, which is uh ideal for me I can't wait.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's awesome, it's just something else to do.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, I think it's great. I can't wait to see what you guys do with that. I mean, who doesn't love a train set in a city, in a village? My dad. Every year he builds a little train set in his bedroom for Christmas. It's a Christmas-based train set and it's the happiest thing he has for all. Christmas is building his train set.
Speaker 2:It's amazing have you looked at like I used you know how, like I had the lego thing and I looked into trains before I had an uncle who was into train and I remember like thinking they were so cool. But the problem with trains is like they're even worse than legos. It takes up more space, like you have. Like I have to get rid of my studio room and turn it into a train room if I wanted to that hobby, and I I just don't have the space I actually. I asked, craig, I'm like you don't like the people of the real big sets are those like, uh, like widow, like guys who like lost their wives or something, or guys who never got married, like, like older guys, a little disposable income and he's like, yeah, it actually is that situation for a lot of them yeah, yeah, I think.
Speaker 1:I think somebody owning a train set is like somebody owning a boat I want to know who they are and go get to use it, but I don't want to own myself. I don't have, I don't have the room for it. As we're talking about legos, I do have to ask this follow-up question have you ever had the experience of stepping on a Lego? Oh sure, yeah, barefoot I've got an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old.
Speaker 2:They got into Legos when they were 3 and 5. We've got a playroom upstairs. It's like plastic cow traps all over the place, but Detroit. Like they're into MMA now and the boys are 8 and 10, and they're into MMA and wrestling. So like it's not even Legos that hurt me anymore. It's them like jumping off the stairs or off the couch with like an axe handle blow.
Speaker 1:Unexpected, or like getting hit on the back of a wheelchair. Yeah, unexpected is the worst, when you're not even ready for it? Yeah, yeah, that's pretty brutal with Freightways. Now we're of the opinion that for men, stepping on a Lego barefoot might be one of the most painful experiences for men. Obviously, childbearing. For women that takes the cake, but for men that's got to be right up there.
Speaker 2:I think it's a known fact, Our pain tolerance and our tolerance for being sick all those things are significantly lower than females. We may put on a front and a brave face, but I like like I was sick last week, when I'm I'm like the hugest, I'm like freezing cold, I'm like throwing up. I don't think I'm gonna like die, but I'm just like I don't want to deal with anybody, like I gotta be like under the covers and just like lay there with my iPad for like 24 to 48 hours.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think we can. We can both agree that women can tolerate pain on levels that we can't even fathom. But stepping on a leg on my friend, that is a difficult one. That one hurts pretty bad. All right, I learned a fun fact about you. I didn't know this about you You're married to a triplet, correct? Is this identical triplets, fraternal triplets? That's identical, so tough.
Speaker 2:Fraternal triplets. She has a sister and a brother. Today is actually the anniversary of our first date ever, january 22 actually the anniversary of our first date ever january 22nd 2011. We went to a restaurant called silver tone in downtown boston, right by uh, right across the park street. Actually went out of business last year. Rip silver tone but uh, yeah, uh.
Speaker 2:It's funny how life you never know which date's gonna be like the one you know like in life you never know which business meeting, you never know which uh lego you're gonna step on, or you never know which date is going to like end up being in the rest of your life and how long ago was that?
Speaker 1:january 22 of what year, 2011 of 2011. Okay, 14 years 15 years, my friend, or 14 years, I'm sorry. 14 years, that's right. Yeah, 14 years, that's crazy. It's a long time. My wife and I are celebrating 20 years this year, uh, which is amazing. How fast two decades goes by. It just kind of flies by.
Speaker 2:They say eight is the average. So if you made it past eight years, we're both shooting way above average.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's right, that's right. I think that being an entrepreneur is a lot like being married, in the sense that if you can just stay in the game, it's worth saying it's commendable.
Speaker 2:Just to stay in the game because it's hard, it's worth saying like it's commendable, just to stay in the game, because it's hard, it's not easy, I bet, like where you're doing what you're doing. I have to be like an entrepreneur within freight. There are times like you got to go on air. You owe it to the audience to always be good and everything. But I've had like months or two where everything's not going well in life Maybe not on the scenes, but like behind the the scenes everything isn't going great.
Speaker 2:Or I personally, um that I've talked at length before about my issues with alcoholism and depression and you know, depression is one of those things that can always sort of come back to and those are always those things you try to lock away. But like the wife situation or all those sort of like the the inner loud voices or sometimes the outer ones, if you really want to be with something or you want something to work, it's like, like you said, man, just stay in the game. Like you know, it may not be a great day with your wife today. You might be arguing, you might not be feeling it, but you got married for a reason. You started, you started beta consulting for a reason.
Speaker 1:That's right. There's a there's a lot to be said about that man. The things that you have in your past, the things that are maybe in your head, the wiring in your head, sometimes it'll sneak out and bite you again and you just have to keep kind of pushing on or moving on or reminding yourself of what's good in life or what you're living for, what you're moving towards, Because that can get you pretty quickly. So I totally get that, you know what I do.
Speaker 2:You know what I learned. I learned this skill from a therapist and it made so much sense to me at the time and it's it's our negative like associations. You know, a lot of times you're like if you're angry or you're not feeling good about something, you don't know why and your mind wants to know why. So sometimes, like it'll be like the first person that says something, that posts something stupid on the internet, or the, the first comment that just kind of annoys you or rubs you the wrong way, or the, or the coworker or your spouse, you start to negatively associate what's already bothering you with this other thing. It's like negative free particles in your body and like that's something I always try to like counterbalance and be aware, especially when I'm getting like irrationally angry about something.
Speaker 2:I'm like what really is this?
Speaker 1:how long did you go to counseling? I've been to counseling myself. I think everybody should go to counseling because we were all raised by humans that kind of messed us up and had life experiences. How long did you? How long have you been in counseling?
Speaker 2:So I went twice, and the first time I went it was with like well, I went when I was a teenager.
Speaker 1:I was like sent, and when you're sent, you're never going to you know, I'm just going to say whatever to get out of the room.
Speaker 2:Yeah that, get out of the room. Yeah, that's right. All this guy wanted to do is put me on like Ritalin in like 1996 and I'm like not interested in uh in that. But I went to rehab for the first time, uh, when I was 29 and but it was it was with the wrong intention. It was like if I can stay sober for 90 days, I can control these problems. And it wasn't with the approach where I went the next time and I remember when I went into they're like how many times you've been here? And I'm like one. How many times do people need to go? Then you start to meet people. There's people have been there like nine times.
Speaker 2:But lo and behold, years later I show up again at rehab and this time I took it much more seriously and it was like you know, I have to be binary with the alcohol. I can't drink it at all. You've got to just not do it. That's fine.
Speaker 2:But the problem is, whenever you stop doing, it's not like immediately, like your life or anything gets better. In fact, it gets worse in a lot of ways because you lose some friends, like people. You'll notice if you stop doing drinking or doing drugs, the people who you did that stuff with. They tend to not want to hang out with you as much. You suddenly realize they don't want to chill with you sober.
Speaker 2:It's really weird and all the issues that you might have been self-medicating like. You have to come up with skills for that, and that's when I started taking the mental health aspect of it a little bit more seriously, because it's like well, okay, but like why? Like I I realize I gotta live with, like who I am and and how I think and and how I am, but like why? And can I, can I give myself some context to it? And I think a lot of times we avoid that. I know I did when I, when I didn't want help. It's sort of like you will come up with any excuse or rationalization you can to not deal with it and you'll externalize a lot of stuff too.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's, it's so true. I went to counseling twice and I did it for more than one session. Took a while to kind of dig through some of my issues that I had in my life. But man, they, sometimes they kind of you know come up and bite you again. Me it's confidence.
Speaker 1:I've always struggled with confidence. A lot of people. It surprises people because I tend to be you know and um, really good in front of a crowd or up on stage. I'm comfortable up on stage where most people aren't, but that has nothing to do with my confidence. It's a whole different thing that I I struggled with.
Speaker 1:I always felt like I was getting lucky, if that makes sense, like I kind of felt like I played college basketball, I was just getting lucky. I didn't really believe in myself and that's really been difficult throughout my life, especially in sales and now in entrepreneurship. Sometimes that stuff bites you, but you learn these skills that really help you work through and get through that. How has that been for you? Cause you know, with what you're dealing with, with alcoholism, especially in our industry, you go to an event and it seems like everybody wants to drink. Now, I don't drink alcohol either, so I'm kind of in the same ballpark as you. But what are some things that have been really helpful for you in this industry especially? You know you go to events and everybody wants to hang out with you. I mean, you're a popular guy there.
Speaker 2:Sure, yeah, you know you mentioned sort of confidence and everything and I've always had social anxiety issues and it probably doesn't come across that way because most people see me I'm talking to like one or two people on a uh on a show.
Speaker 2:But the first time I went to rehab the one piece of advice I listened to was to go take improv, and I went to the improv asylum in boston. I took a couple years of courses there and perform live on stage and I'm still not going to talk in groups and now that I don't drink at all, like if you ever see me at an event I might go to like the after parties, don't tell pilots and I'll go for like an hour and then I'm out. You know, also I'm in, I'm in the phase my kids are are eight and ten, like cool. I've been with people since seven in the morning to like nine o'clock at night. I want to go and facetime with them, be a good boy, get back, get back in my safe spot in my hotel room and I'm cool are you more of an introvert.
Speaker 1:you kind of like the like the hotel room is like your solace, it kind of is your your home. See, on the opposite, I hate being in my hotel room alone because I'm an extrovert. So I like being with people and I can still imagine that. You know it's good that you're an extrovert, because everybody wants to hang out with you at these events, I'm sure.
Speaker 2:So you know there's probably temptation to go out and hang out and so knowing who to a lot of this, just really understanding who you are, and it is so valuable just to make the right choices and put yourself in good, good position I mean I think like, fortunately, like the role I'm into, like like most of my job is just talking to people in the industry like constantly, whether it's on air or when it's off air, I'm just constantly out finding guests or promoting the show, or seeing what news is out there or what what's breaking, or who someone else is that's new in the industry, or what new show has popped up or what. So I get a ton of, I get like more than enough time to network, so I get plenty of time to do that. But the nice thing is I can kind of do it the way I like it instead of having to like be in a bunch of groups.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it certainly helps to kind of find your place. Speaking of that, most people know your story but some people don't. You know you were used to be at freight plus back in boston and you started a podcast there. Was that your first podcast, or have you dabbled in it before with other other areas?
Speaker 2:no. So you know, I, when I first moved back to boston, I would take the t to work and my first job out in boston was fedex trade networks and prior to that he's a carpool with my buddy, jason, to work. All the time we'd listen to fm talk radio. We'd listen. We, we worked in the music industry so we were sick of hearing music on KTLA. This was really before MP3 players you still had the Discman but we were so sick of music because we worked in the industry listening to music all day at work, so we were really into Tom Likas and Howard Stern and whatever was on KTLA and I got so used to it.
Speaker 2:And then it's about 2006, 2007. I'm having to take the T into work and I started hearing about podcasts. Adam Carolla, he used to be on KTLA and he said he lost his show and he talked to his friend, bill Simmons, who I was already a big reader of, and they were really talking about podcasting, podcasting, podcasting. So Adam Carolla, bill Simmons, back in like 2007,. I started downloading their shows and putting them on my iPad and I always wanted to start a podcast from like that day forward. But I was just working in the freight industry, I didn't even know what it was when I got a job in the freight industry.
Speaker 2:Like I, was like I was a broker.
Speaker 1:I don't know, my dad did insurance, like Marine cargo insurance.
Speaker 2:But, like I figured, I'd be out of the job in a few months onto, like um, in Cambridge there's a company called reebok. I did duty drawback. I switched over to um the sales side. For a few years I was doing cross-border sales, global trade sales, trucking, and then Freight Plus needed a marketing guy. A year prior to that is when I got out of rehab I was 2017. I didn't have a job. That year.
Speaker 2:My second son was just born and that's when I started my first show, the Shipping Pod, and initially we were just doing news at the beginning of a Trump presidency. I remember my co-host. I had a co-host for nine shows. I remember my co-host I had a co-host for nine shows. He left Ryan shout out brother, but he was Northwestern at the time, wanted to go pursue his degree, and this guy, steve Aborn, who was a town over. He had been hearing the show and he hired me initially to start ghostwriting blogs for them.
Speaker 2:So that's sort of how I was able to make some money. I was able to get home, so we were able to take the kids out of daycare. And I was um. I was only home, so we were to take the kids out of daycare and I was just writing blogs, starting a podcast and taking care of a two-year-old and a zero-year-old were when my wife was working. Now, fortunately, we flipped all that. I turned this into a career and I make enough money that my wife can now be at home all of the time with the kids. But you know what I'll that? 2017, even with all success, that's still one of my favorite years ever in this space, because I'll never get that time back with, especially Sebastian, my youngest son, that first year.
Speaker 1:It was amazing. So, 06, you start dreaming about podcasting, Like I want to do it. And 10 years later, 10 years later, you get your start in podcasting. You started the ShipperPod because you were working at FedEx, because were seeing these imports. You were kind of getting to know the. Did you know the anything about shipping prior to that job?
Speaker 2:no, not really like. I mean, other than you know, I order stuff on Amazon. I know what a FedEx truck is. I mean I've seen a truck.
Speaker 2:But like I didn't like FedEx trade networks, when I thought I was going in there to be a broker, I thought I'd be working like parcel shipments or something you know, like FedEx. I'm a layman, that's what I assumed. I didn't even know they had a global trade division, let alone like that imports had entries and that's how duties and taxes are filed and all that kind of crap. I had no clue whatsoever but I started realizing the world was really sort of interesting. But I remember when I first came in there as like entry writers, especially at FedEx Trade Network networks in East Boston, I remember most of my coworkers were like over 35 and many of them were like spouses who'd come back to work. So I'm like, okay, this is just a start. I have to like rapidly learn knowledge and jump departments if I want to get anywhere. If I just sit in this seat doing this for more than a couple of years like I, there's no way to get your income up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's interesting.
Speaker 1:So I got to ask the question 10 years, there's no way to get your income up. Yeah, yeah, that's interesting, so I got to ask the question. 10 years you've been thinking about a podcast. You start one on shipping, but were there other ideas? Were there other podcasts that could have been and we might not know? Timothy Dooner in transportation what else did you have in mind? What were you thinking about?
Speaker 2:No, I did one. So in 2017, I started the shipping pod and I got about 15 episodes in and I went to an interview at DSV and I told them about the podcast and they told me I'd have to stop it. So I turned their job down. But I also realized and this was soon after I lost sort of my co-host and everything I was like maybe I have to table this for a minute just to appease the powers that be. There's a lot of wolves barking at the door. The wife was like you know how's the job search going? Parents how's the job search going? In-laws how's the job search going? And I was like maybe this is staying the way. So let me put a mask on and I'm going to do a complete other podcast so I can practice podcasting.
Speaker 2:So I DM'd a buddy of mine from Twitter. I'd never talked, I never even heard his voice until our first podcast and I was like let's just review Snack Food, want to do a podcast called Snack Masters Inc. And it all came because I was walking with my sons in Toys R Us and there was a game called Crossfire that they had re-put out and as I'm walking past it, the song Crossfire like went through my head and then for some reason I was like Snack Masters Inc and I kept singing it the whole way home on the drive. My kids would tell me to shut up. And when I got home I downloaded like the MIDI for that old commercial and I re-sequenced it and I grabbed my microphone and I recorded the intro music and like the next day I started the podcast with a friend of mine and most of the techniques I learned doing that one I use now.
Speaker 2:Most of the stuff I learned during the shipping show I didn't learn so I learned during the shipping show I didn't learn so. The snack, the fun snack show. When I took over what the truck?
Speaker 1:I'm like I'm gonna make a freight show that snack masters nice, so you had the template already already set. So you're, you're, you're, uh, snack masters. Does this mean you're reviewing like fruit snacks, cheez-its, yeah?
Speaker 2:anything new, like in the store, anything like new and any new and weird like snack, and it just it was just something we could do for fun, you know, and it was really just to like keep those chops going. And you know, I feel like to really know what you're doing podcasting you need to record like a hundred or so shows. Um, if you're out there and you're thinking about doing one, like don't, you don't need to jump straight to. You can jump straight to video if you want, but like, Like I would say the most important thing to learn at first is just like the routine of, like the cadence of getting up, whether you're doing it weekly or doing a few times a week. Make sure it's like going to the gym at first. Just get the habit down first.
Speaker 1:That's right. Yeah, it just takes a while to get comfortable with that, to hear your voice, to hear what you like and what you don't like. I learned along the way that sometimes, when I'm doing podcasts, I speak with a higher voice than normal. No-transcript. Are there any episodes out there Snack Masters Incorporated still available? Can you get these? Are they on?
Speaker 2:Apple, I still pay for the pod bean for that six bucks. I haven't made a new one since 2017 or 2018, I don't think, but I still pay for it to be.
Speaker 1:We need to dig that up. I'm telling you like that's something we got to dig up and just kind of look back at some of those old snack master podcasts and see the difference between early dooner and, you know, now the, the seasoned professional dooner on what the truck. We'll have to pull those up and see what those are like. That's awesome, man. I love, I love, absolutely hearing that. Have you done, have you wanted to do anything else? I mean, you guys started what the truck. Uh, I'm jumping ahead just a little bit, but you started what the truck. After you were, um, you know freight plus doing, uh, was it the shipping pod of freight freight plus? Is that what you?
Speaker 2:did? No, it was, uh, consulting logistics. Was the show that? Um, they were paying me to do the shipping pod? I've still always kept the name and ownership and if I need it I'll come and take out. Uh well, andrew silver kind of ripped the name off with the freight pod and the logo. But it's okay, andrew.
Speaker 1:We'll let it slide this time.
Speaker 2:We'll let it slide, we'll let it slide, we'll let it slide what the Truck was really popular.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to think back, because we started to know each other around 2019. In fact, the first time I remember you and what the Truck was at that event in Chicago that FreightWaves foolishly put on in negative, negative 10 degree weather. But I will say this you guys had the beanies that you gave out. I still wear that Freightways beanie. That was a great pick for a cold conference, but you guys were set up there. I saw you doing what the Truck and I had just started my posting journey on LinkedIn, posting every day and trying to move in that direction, and so I don't know, were there any other podcasts at Freightways besides what the truck that you did? How did this one become the one?
Speaker 2:I've canceled a dozen different shows. Today. I did the Port Report, I did Freightways Insiders, which was one-on-one long-form interviews. Morning Minute, which was one-minute news reads in the morning we had, when the coronavirus was a thing, we had the Coronavirus Freight Market Report. Put that Coffee Down, I started and made the logo for that that was just. I left that with, like kevin, after the shows I was just like I'm sick of giving advice, dude.
Speaker 2:You just take the show. Well, the trick, what happened, is it just makes a lot more money than anything else I made. So I so then I spent it two days a week, then I spent it three days a week, then it needed a newsletter and mostly it's just. It's like any business, I mean, like what will people pay you the most for and what do you enjoy doing the most? Fortunately, I have the most freedom with what the truck I. I have a ton of say with it. We have great sponsored partnerships.
Speaker 2:Last year we did a ton of live events, which is something I really wanted to do, including going to los angeles to do a um a documentary, went to miami with redwood, we did a NASCAR event. So that's like the kind of stuff that I really wanted to focus on the show and just develop those kind of relationships. And Woodstruck's been the conduit. But I'm getting a little like I don't want to say bored, but it's like now I've been waiting for something to come along. That is like what do I want to pour a lot of energy into Because I'm passionate about it, and that's just sort of guide other people and not like I don't like not having my hands on stuff. I get anxiety. Like I can help and give advice, but it always it starts to bore me after a while, or like I want to grab the wheel you know, so I'm excited about doing something around like miniatures.
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:And.
Speaker 2:I'm excited for my kids too.
Speaker 1:You're more of a doer. You know you're more of a doer, Just kidding Things done, I think you'll have to do a podcast with your kids. Do they like podcasts and they like the fact that you're a podcaster?
Speaker 2:So at the end of snack masters Inc. My my oldest son son, uh, and he must have been like three at the time he would record his own little review at the end and we would do like I would do a bunch of sound manipulation and make like a little sound story with whatever audio I could get out of out of him. Uh, he got his first podcasting mic when he was four and his first laptop, um, he never touched it. It was the younger one who, when he turned four, he immediately started opening up. He asked me to teach him how to, how to record podcasts.
Speaker 2:I showed him how to use audacity. I showed him how to plug in a usb mixer. I showed him how to use a mic. I'd even give him, I'd even go the easy way, which is you just plug in a bluetooth mic. I was like here's how a mixer works, here's how you do each channel, here's how you record. I taught him a little bit of how to master a track, how to put compression on it, how to kill the bad top and low signals and how to put a little of that NPR butter on the sound signal. And he knows what he's doing now. Now he's like the IT guy at his school. He's eight years old and like four years of just being in windows and being comfortable Right yeah, he knows more than most adults.
Speaker 1:It's crazy. These kids are growing up with stuff that we only dreamed about. You know, things we started seeing in college, and they're just, you know, growing up with it. No big deal. That's cool. Is he going to start a podcast someday? You think they have one.
Speaker 2:It's like an intro podcast.
Speaker 1:They're too young.
Speaker 2:I don't want weirdos out there hearing my kids like all the time.
Speaker 1:If you notice, I barely ever post pictures of them times because, like they get super excited, but in general, like I don't trust the internet, I don't need weird growing, but we can't hear the podcast. But tell us about it. What's it about? What are they talking?
Speaker 2:about. It's called sebastian the truck and they just talk about their kid, their days, like what do they do over the holidays? What do they get for christmas? It's gonna be. It'll be a fun time capsule to go back on, but ideally like I you know I'm I'll build my own little army of like of podcast engineers and producers for when we want to reveal the final plan to take over.
Speaker 1:That's right, that's cool. I'll say this the cool thing about technology with our kids is you've got this time capsule of podcasts. I think one of the greatest things that I've experienced is Apple Photos or Google Photos or whatever, what you can do with creating albums and just all these things. Man, as a kid, how many pictures do you have of yourself as a kid?
Speaker 2:Very few.
Speaker 1:Very few, right, maybe five or six, maybe in their old Polaroids that are like faded, that's right?
Speaker 1:Very few, maybe some writing on the back as our parents used to do. But now you can say I want to look at year four for my daughter, hannah. I want to see what that year looked like. And we do, we sit down together, we look through these years, we remember these times together, like technology just has a way to make those memories last even longer in ways that you know we can only dream of back in the day, like the way we feel about podcasts and Apple photos and videos and all that has got to be how our parents felt about like Polaroids, because back in the day pictures weren't easy to do. You had to get a professional picture done. But have your own camera and snap a shot. That's pretty exciting too.
Speaker 2:You can tell kids, people from our generation. When our kids ask, oh, are there photos where you're a kid? There can be a four or five year age gap, because your parents never bought a new camera or didn't buy film, or they never developed it. I don't know. There's years that just do not exist in my family.
Speaker 1:You can tell when I got my first smartphone, because my daughter was born in 08. I got my first iPhone Christmas of 09. So the first year and a half of my oldest daughter's life is old school hardly any pictures. But then my youngest daughter I mean, she's got hundreds of thousands of pictures her whole life, so you can almost mark it by when I got my first smartphone, when that came to be Because, you're right, you'd only take pictures when you had a camera or got some new film or whatever it might be. It's changed a lot.
Speaker 2:I feel bad for the teenage world my kids will be walking into in the 20 year, like something of the college year world where, like everybody can sort of film everything you do and I imagine that has to cause some sort of anxiety and behavioral changes and maybe some for the good. But in general I don't it that would. I would hate to have to operate that environment.
Speaker 1:Well, I think that I mean you could take talk about that, you can talk about social media. I mean, when we were a kid, if something happened in Lebanon, we might hear about it in the world news. We probably didn't see it and then it was gone. But now it's like they can see it immediately, they can see how graphic it is and they can see it over and over and over again with these devices. So, even though it's like allowed us to be connected in certain ways I love Twitter, I love sharing ideas, I love the fact that Craig found the museum on Twitter, like those kind of things are really cool. But then you have these things that just in the world, the moment it happens. I mean that's a wild thing to think about.
Speaker 2:Well, anyone can capture anything about you like the moment it happens. That's why a lot of young people are a little reticent about drinking, because you get hammered. Some of you will be all over Instagram the next day, or even like dating. You'll see people go on a first date and they'll like post on. Imagine going on a date with a girl and the first thing you see she's like dunking on you on Twitter or it could be just delicious or delicate and I think back to that like first date with my wife. Anything could have like before that and I was getting married. Anything could have messed that up, especially in those like early, like few weeks or few months, where people are just very sensitive to what they're you know, they're hearing or saying. I can imagine if you just immediately start posting on social media about that like that's got to drive people nuts.
Speaker 1:It's pretty wild to think about that. I hadn't thought too much about you being recorded all the time, but that that that can happen for sure. I will say this, though the one thing social media has done like as reticent to drink, right, I remember I went to the Indianapolis 500 in 1988. So obviously no social media, very limited cameras. Dude, it was a party, it was out of control and it was not the place for a 10 year old to be. I'll say that it was wild. Nowadays I take my family to the Indy 500 every year and it's very family friendly because they've cleaned it up. They don't want bad things happening at Indy, going out on social media. So it has in some ways kind of been a disinfectant for some behaviors. But at the same time, the anxiety and everything is out there now I can't really hide. I mean, there's so many things we did as kids that nobody's ever going to see or know about. Uh, there's no record of it anywhere and there's something nice about that that uh being a parent, it like changes so much.
Speaker 2:I remember I used to watch, uh, like the things you never think about, like like I'm watching netflix and they start swearing during this show I'm watching with my kid. I'm like, don't they, why don't they have, like a parent a t? Like there they beep it like tbs would yeah why don't they have that for us parents?
Speaker 1:they know it's coming. I mean, it's not like it's a surprise, you know they know I don't like swearing, though.
Speaker 2:I would rather have, like the little, a few bleeps there until they're a little bit older.
Speaker 1:That's right. Yeah, a little bit older and then it gets a little better. That's a good point. Okay, listen, we've got to pause for a minute. We've got to take a little transition because we've got to play a game. We like to play games on the show and have a little bit of fun. So today we're playing a game called Wavelength. Alright, my friend, here's how the game works.
Speaker 1:All right, our lovely producer, morgan, she's going to put a banner up on the screen. That banner is going to have a category and a letter, so maybe it might say food S and we have to come up with a word and try to be on the same wavelength. It's got to come up with the same word, all right. So we got to see if we can do this. So you're going to think about it. I know you don't have a pad paper in front of you, that's fine, you're just going to think about it in your head. I'm going to write one down on my beautiful orange sticky notes here and then we're going to see if we pick the same word. And the goal here, three out of five is like killer. Nobody's gotten above three out of five. We got five of these. One is things in your house that start with the letter P things in your house that start with the letter P.
Speaker 1:You are Okay, so you're going to tell us the answer and then I'm going to reveal it. We'll see if it's the same. What do you got?
Speaker 2:Plant.
Speaker 1:Plant. Ooh, that's a good one. That would have been a good one. Now, we don't have plants in my house, so I didn't think of that. I put pet.
Speaker 2:Oh plant. Why do you? What do you have against plants? Are you highly allergic to stuff?
Speaker 1:No, we tend to kill them. Uh, we're not very good at keeping them alive. Uh, remembering the water I mean, we've kept this dog alive for five years and that's a miracle watering it and whatnot. We are not good with plants. Uh, we have a couple of fake ones that my mom has given me. My mom still gives us real plants. I'm like I don't know what you're doing. This is not going to survive. We're terrible at plants, we're not you need a plant spouse.
Speaker 2:We're terrible. You need the one spouse who understands plants.
Speaker 1:It's sort of like having a pet.
Speaker 2:You need the pet.
Speaker 1:You really do, and neither of us are into plants. Neither of us remember to water stuff. It's just not. We know ourselves well enough. There's no plants around here, but that would have been a good one. That was a good one.
Speaker 2:Let's go for over five now let's see if we can do that let's just see if we can go for five.
Speaker 1:Let's be different. Here we go. Next one, uh, number two brands that start with a. Brands that start with a. I'm ready. When you are my friend, what do?
Speaker 2:you got. I'm going like so basic, but I'm basically just going with the first word that comes to my head, and it's Apple.
Speaker 1:There you go. Look at that Apple. That's what I'm talking about. That's easy. Yeah, are you a Mac user, are you?
Speaker 2:an Apple guy, I'm a PC guy, but like a iPhone, oh, you're a, you're a okay, yeah, you kind of go both ways.
Speaker 1:You speak back in who, college 97, never went back. All right, here we go. Next one, number three, we're one for two, with over five things gone animals that start with a, b, animals that start with a, bc. This is sometimes you get a, a little brain fart and, uh, I know that they're out there. Let's see what we got. Um, holy moly, give me, give me a moment here.
Speaker 2:You got one, you got one already I mean, there's such an obvious one that I'm thinking I can't pick that one now well, maybe because I'm. That came to your head. This is what happens, and I blame it on thinking I blame this on kids.
Speaker 1:By the way, simple words just poof, just gone.
Speaker 2:Simple, simple words, okay all right, let's see I got, I'll go. I'll go easy here. I don't want to make it hard you, I got bear oh see, I haven't written anything down yet.
Speaker 1:Okay, now we're gonna have to go, for I didn't have anything, so we're over where that's gone.
Speaker 2:One for three oh, we're like, what were you? What was there? How do?
Speaker 1:I not think of bear what is wrong with the animal.
Speaker 1:What are the other animals? Be animal, a bee? The only thing that came to mind was border collie. But that's not a. That's not really an animal. It's a type of breed of a dog, right? That's why I couldn't go with that. I totally blanked, that's on me. Okay, one for three. What's next? Colors that start with M. Colors that start with M Well, I can only think of one off the top of my head. I'm telling you sometimes, when you're put on the spot, what do?
Speaker 2:you got, I just got magenta.
Speaker 1:That was all I came up with.
Speaker 2:That would have been a good one. I went with mauve. Is that a color mob? Is mob a color? I don't know, I don't know. Are you a metrosexual, like moab sounds like no idea, like a metro, like like they'd be, like, get to this, uh, blazer, yeah yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 1:I mean I have two daughters and I have three sisters, I you know, it might be might be, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Metro morgan says it yes, that is a color, so at least I got a color, but I didn't get the right one. Okay, last one. Let's see if we can go two for five or one for five. Here we go. Last one A state that starts within Okay, well, there's several options here. At least we, at least we know what they are. It's just whether or not we're going to be on the same wavelength. Come on dinner. We got this. What do you got? New York, new York, there we go. Two out of five.
Speaker 2:That's respectable. The first one that came to mind, though, was Nebraska.
Speaker 1:Oh really, the first one that came to my mind was Nevada, and I'm like there's no way he's not going to go for that one Too far left. Too far west from me, that's right, but Nebraska's right next to me. We actually border Nebraska, so that could have been one right answer. That's for sure really good all right, anyway.
Speaker 2:A guy. Someone just sent me some steaks from out your way.
Speaker 1:A guy named lapin sent me a box of uh steaks from kansas city steaks oh, he did okay, because omaha steaks are actually very popular as well and that's close by. It's close by, but blake lapin city's been closer, right. Well, I mean, I'm in st louis, but I'm saying omaha is really close to kansas city. Kansas city's four hours from here. Omaha is three hours from Kansas City, whatever. But it's Midwest beef and that's good and Blake's such a great dude, so good for him. That's awesome. Love that guy, all right. The last thing we'd like to do is we'd like to ask you a random question, and our producer puts this together.
Speaker 2:I haven't seen. It could be funny, could be serious. Let's roll it out.
Speaker 1:The random question of the day today, dooner is what is the worst food of all time? Fish. Man like I can't stand the smell of fish. I don't like the consistency. I grew up in new england, boston I know I don't like fish and I've tried it all that's how I know.
Speaker 2:Not like it. I hate the smell of it. I hate the consistency of it.
Speaker 1:Uh, I don't like anything about fish I will say the smell is is borderline when it's not cooked. I will say that you go through a market that is borderline, but nothing. No shrimp, no calamari, nothing, salmon, lobster Crab, nothing Like no fish. All I can smell is microwave fish, even if it's not microwave that scent is so powerful in my mind I can't like did you have bad experiences as a kid with fish sticks? Was that the problem?
Speaker 2:I should. Well, you know, one time I did think I went to my my friend Teddy's house and I, his mom, and they looked like chicken. They look like chicken tenders and I'm expecting to eat, to bite into a chicken.
Speaker 1:Fair enough Right.
Speaker 2:You know, like when you grab you, you have like milk and you have water like on the table and you grab the water thing, it's the milk and even though it's just water, like you retch because your brain is expecting something completely different. This is what happened here. I thought I was gonna be eating chicken and it was fish and I think ever since, my brain like just encoded bad experience.
Speaker 1:Oh man, that's. I can understand how you're expecting chicken and you get fish sticks and it's like this is the worst thing I've ever. That's the worst when you expect one thing and get another. So I'm with you on that. I don't drink coffee. For a similar reason, I've never had a cup of coffee, but that's another story for another day We'll talk. We'll talk about that on a different podcast. I've never had one cup of coffee in my life.
Speaker 2:I just quit all energy drinks for only coffee.
Speaker 1:Really, I've never had an energy drink either. Can you believe that? Never energy, never coffee. I don't know why I just never have, but maybe it's because I have way too much energy when I wake up in the morning. And can you imagine me on coffee and an energy drink?
Speaker 2:Well, here's the truth Water is the most powerful energy drink. That's what they don't want you to know.
Speaker 1:And I love water. I absolutely love water, that's for sure. All right Last.
Speaker 2:I need it Like I need to get back up, See it is Another addiction. Doing has been roped into sugar, that's usually that's oh, that's a hard one, especially when you drink all that like alcohol, like all the sugar that the alcohol converts to you massively like sour candy. Um, that's actually how I was able to lose like 20 25 pounds in the past year. I just started doing my fitness pal and when you have to like log, 300 hours of candy and you have a budget of 1700 calories.
Speaker 2:You're just, you gotta skip it yeah, yeah, that's absolutely true.
Speaker 1:Okay, last thing here is obviously on the show. We like to talk about standing out. You've been well-known for almost a decade now in this industry with your beard, yeah, and now it's gone. How hard was it to let that thing go, and what led you to that? What was the moment where you're like you know, I'm done with this?
Speaker 2:You know the moment where you're like you know I'm done with this. You know well, I was really itchy under it for a few days. It had been like really dry and itchy and I kept scratching at it and I was actually starting to scratch into my face a little bit and I was just getting annoyed. And it's just hair, I can always grow it back. So I was like you know what? Um, it was very spontaneous, like I was just in the bathroom I was initially trimming it, then I trimmed it just a little bit too much. Then I you know, when you have to like start coming up with a new plan, you start, your brain starts feeding you like ideas and it was like well, your kids haven't seen your face in like eight years, you know, so they can see it.
Speaker 2:And why not? You haven't seen your own face in a few years, and what's the worst that can happen? Everyone makes fun of you for not having a beard.
Speaker 1:So what? That's for sure. How did your kids respond? Question number one and question two how quickly did Siri recognize who you were after you got rid of him so very?
Speaker 2:interesting. So my eight-year-old I kept it like a mustache to be funny and I came out and he started crying. So I immediately turned back around and shaved the mustache off, came back out and gave him a hug and then he was crying.
Speaker 1:The youngest one did yeah, a mustache. You had to do a mustache for a little while. It's hard to pull all the kids. They don't love it. I did, I did. I look like I was playing left field for the yankees in 1980. I mean, it was a weird look.
Speaker 2:All right, it's like driving a cyber truck, like I think mustaches like they're, they're kind of cool, they show you have some confidence. Well, it gets really old about having one. It's like just the comments after a while. It's just like, yeah, I don't love mustaches enough to have to like defend the mustache all the time and also, like you know everyone's, you know there's there's like 33 of people I think like hate them or like just like like a repulsed or like afraid of them.
Speaker 1:So all right I mean, I know my wife is in that group. She hated the mustache. She's like counting down the days until it was gone.
Speaker 2:I just couldn't, couldn't stay before I had the beard, I used to do one every year for a mustachioed basho in Boston and I won their mustache competition twice. So, uh, you know, I, I do. It wasn't a fluke. It wasn't a fluke.
Speaker 1:It wasn't a fluke. It wasn't a fluke.
Speaker 2:It wasn't a fluke, it wasn't luigi, right? Let's say, luigi had a, had a beard when he did his thing and he's like, okay, cool, easy disguise. Just you know, take the hat off, shave the beard, nobody will recognize me. She knew immediately. I didn't have to redo my facial thing at all.
Speaker 1:It knew immediately who I was that is wild because you think about a beard, especially that covers a really good portion of your face, especially if it's a big architecture like my was kind of longer.
Speaker 2:So you think it would like it wouldn't know the length of your head or something your chin and around your mouth.
Speaker 1:That's, that's impressive. I'm actually impressed that it did not take any time to learn that I heard that that was like infrared it can, like, see your skull so it already just knows your skull.
Speaker 1:I don't, I don't know. It almost feels like there's got to be some sort of 3d component because of the way the cameras might work. Maybe they could really. I mean, they make you do this whole thing whenever you do it, so it gets like different angles. There's gotta be some 3d component where it's capturing some of your bone structure. That's what I'm guessing. I don't know, but it's. That's pretty wild.
Speaker 2:In Vegas, the cameras that they have in some of the casinos. Now they can tell who someone is by their gate. Apparently, the way that you walk is like as unique as a fingerprint and the slight variances that sort of AI or computer system can pick up, can identify to like a 92% match or something like that.
Speaker 1:Wow, I did not know that. That's impressive, but also a little scary. We talked about being videotaped all the time. Also a little scary. I mean you wear a mask. It's like don't even worry about it. We know who you are just by how you're walking.
Speaker 2:I know just how you're walking. I know how you walk, man.
Speaker 1:That's right, man, that's pretty wild, that's crazy, wow, unbelievable. Well, I'll tell you what it looks good. You definitely look slimmer for sure, so congratulations on that. That's got to feel good as well. And, man, let me just tell you right now. First of all, congratulations on all the success. I love cheering you on, I love seeing you do well, I love seeing people win to me and courteous, and you know, have me on the show from time to time. And also thank you for helping us with the bcs. You know you let us get on the show to talk about the broker carrier summit and we just appreciate you and freight waves and all that you guys have done. But, man, congrats on all the success, man cool stuff awesome.
Speaker 2:See, let's build that. Like we do an event at freight wave, so we do a couple a year and I know I know firsthand how challenging and how much logistics and how much time and how much money and especially how much anxiety is there, like those few days before launch and then during it, and then, like afterwards, you expect to be like and you're a little bit ecstatic when it's done, but you're just relieved a little bit, yeah, then you're like? Okay, planning process for the next one that's right.
Speaker 1:No, that's absolutely right. Most people don't know this. Who put on events? And you know this from being at freeways the majority of your registrations come within three weeks of the event. Talk about anxiety, because you put all this money out, you pay deposits. I mean, the things happen in whether people show up or not and fortunately, um, you know, people have shown up. We've been very thankful, but you guys have played a role in that. We appreciate that. In fact, I gotta get you to the summit. You haven't actually been to one yet, man we gotta get to one.
Speaker 2:I've never been me and adam we could. We could double team it dude.
Speaker 1:Well, that might be too much for everybody. You know it'd be great to have you on the show, or have you just a week?
Speaker 2:you were just out in chattanooga all last week you was recording an entire course and like a podcast and uh, yeah, he's doing some stuff, he's he's on the team doing some stuff right now it's been such a blessing work with him.
Speaker 1:Uh, the bcs and I just love seeing that guy do good stuff as well. Um, funny story, his partner, myron piggy uh, I went to high school with played basketball with him, did you? Who was better? Small world? Um, that's a good question. Myron was better. Okay, he was better, but I got to play a little bit more because I was a point guard and he was a two and we had a lot of twos, so we had a lot of guys. He had some guys in front of him. I didn't have as many guys in front of me and so I was able to play more, but one-on-one. I'm pretty sure he's taking me down. Pretty sure he might say otherwise. He's a nice guy, but I'm pretty sure he's probably taking me down. But yeah, we knew each other and then ran into each other at an event. I'm like what are you doing here, you know? And he's like what are you doing here? And we're both in transportation now. It's pretty funny. And he's partnered with adam wingfield, it's crazy, small world, it's a small world man.
Speaker 2:It's a. I always tell especially newer people I'm like look, man, don't start too many feuds with people or talking too bad about everybody, like. I'm like this world is incredibly small, yeah, it's really small.
Speaker 1:It gets smaller by the day. It seems like it definitely gets smaller. All right, man, we got to wrap this baby up. This has been one of our longer shows, but it's been such a joy to have you on. I hope you've enjoyed being on the other chair and you're on the other seat getting to talk about yourself. Thanks for coming on, man. You have to come back and see us again soon, Hopefully, man.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
Speaker 1:Love it. We'll talk to you later. All right, everybody, make sure you come back every Tuesday for an episode just like this, with great guests like Timothy Dooner and many others, and also thanks to our sponsor, sales-siri. I'm so thankful to have great people like Josh Lyles and others supporting what we're doing. And until next time, my friends, remember, stop standing still, start standing out. We'll see you soon.